Friday, April 13, 2007

A Prelude to a Blog

“Amore mi mosse che mi fa parlare”. This is a quote from Dante. Which Translates to “It is love that moves me speak”. If I were alive in Dante’s days he might have had a different take. Dramma mi mosse che mi fa parlare. It is drama that moves me to speak. Experiences, in life,, people, places and things., these are the true loves of my life. I wake up everyday to experience this world with the people I love. OK maybe Dante was right. But in my life an unusually high amount of chaos occurs daily.

In all honesty I think I actually might be the luckiest girl in the world. Actually there is no doubt in my mind. I have the greatest friends in the world. I traveled all over the globe. I meet interesting, compassionate, passionate, and intelligent people, along with the idiots everyday.

I once said that being the best at something was not necessarily good. That there was something in being mediocre…or good at lots of little things in different areas. I think that statement is now crap. But I do think that my varied interests and experiences have proven to create other interesting situations and amazing happenings as a result.

I have one mantra: Have fun. If it is not fun, I’m out. Yes this has resulted in me leaving everything from jobs to friendships but that’s just me.

Basic Facts:

I’m 25
Brown Hair and Deep Brown Eyes
I grew up in New York City, Suburbia, Pennsylvania and Italy.
I currently live in Harlem. New York not Holland
My mother is a musician, my father is a neurotic Mexican and my brother is saving the world.
I do speak a few languages, enough to get smiles in lots of countries, restaurants and trouble from time to time.

(Excuse any spelling or grammar errors in any of these languages. My brain doesn’t love words even though my soul does).
Everything else is circumstantial or you will gather through my daily adventures.
A few things I love: Red wine, Paris, Italy, Shoes, Martinis, and most importantly people.

I hope you enjoy my daily adventures because I most certainly do!

Please note: The names have been changed to protect the innocent as well as the guilty.

There is no doubt in my mind that you will see that I am the luckiest girl in the world by the end of this. I would like to recap just a few things I got to do in the year of 2006, this past year. Think of it as a prelude to a blog.

In no particular order:

Bought my first pair of designer Italian shoes, Prada.

Went to the Opening Gala at the NYC Ballet

Saw my New York Knicks play courtside – And got approached by some shady diamond dealers.

Went to my first movie premiere and sat 5 rows behind the cast,

Slept in Penn Station

Missed approximately 30 trains about 15 buses but a surprising low number of taxis--I sprint for those. (In three in heels, of course)!

Visited Venice, Bologna, Verona, Chicago, Miami, Atlantic City (for Easter), Pottstown, Carlisle and Bethlehem PA, Washington D.C., Camden and Portland Maine.

Changed a flight to watch my team Azzurri win the world cup

Hung out at the US OPEN

Hung out with James Blake (unrelated)

Started reading the Wall Street Journal

Moved into Harlem and got my very first Studio Apt

Went to a Mini Versace show and ended up picking up a somewhat Famous Artist and his Financial Advisor..

Went to a party on the roof of the SOHO House.

Picked up 12 Scotsman in the subway.

Started smoking cigars fairly regularly

Ended up at a fisherman’s pub in some small town In Maine. Oh Damariscotta.

Had an affair to remember.

Having traveled a bit I have used all of the following as forms of transpiration: A yacht, a train, a greyhound bus, a golf cart, a Chinatown bus, the subway,, the metro, town cars, taxi cabs, hummer limo, uhaul, motorino and numerous planes.. Note: none of these require any physical activity on my part—except for running for them.

Have dated one or more of the following:
Hedge fund something or other
27 year olds
40 year olds
Executive – what you don’t want to know
Californian (never again)
Upper West Side Sleazebag – You thought the Executive was bad
A member of a highly successful chicken producing family (yes he looked like a chicken).

I have been confused as:

A A mistress/call girl
B. A girl who likes girls
C. Every ethnicity under the sun

Just when you think life can’t get any crazier it does. I always knew I had a purpose in life. It took me a long time to discover that it was purely for “entertainment value”.


Your girl,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

You sound like a very interesting person. Would love to meet up with you in DC. Perhaps next weekend?