Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Write or Wrong?

Why do I write? The answer is simple. I write because I have to. Even though my brain is sometimes in a state of paralysis because the words in my head are not recognizable by spell check, in general, words let me fly.

As a little girl I would write poetry. The romantic flowing language captivated me even then. I think I was drawn to poetry also because there were no rules. I don’t like rules. I don’t tend to follow them, in life and in writing. It gave me the freedom to not have to worry about grammar.

I think in words that are constantly narrorating my life. Some people might say these are simply voices in my head. Those people may be right but I think everything in life is a story, a joke or an experience. I write the emotion, the flavors, and the sounds with or without a pen.

I also love the physical act of writing. All of my poetry is written in a simple black binder on classic unlined white paper. I love writing cards, letters and notes on a heavy stock paper with a fountain tip pen. I pretend I am Audrey Hepburn writing love letters in long fluid motions that will travel across oceans to me pressed against the lips of a lost love. A written word is powerful, simplistic and quite handsome. Words are beautiful. It is because of my love of people and communication that I took as many foreign languages as I could. I found I loved words in all languages. French words are all sweet, even when they mean not so nice things. In German every word is strong, honorable and on time. Russian words are powerful, and flow together like strong rapids in a fast strong river. English. Oh what to say about English. Well first there is proper English spoken in England by beautiful men with bad teeth wearing pants that come in close to their ankles and make reading the comics sound regal. And then there is what Americans speak. The English language apart from being the most confusing, the most unphonetical, and with the most exceptions to rules (you think that would make me like it) aside from all that I find, when American speak it, it sounds less like a language and more like an engine grinding. Then there is Italian. Italian is my home, my heart, combined with comfort and beauty into one song.

I once heard a quote from a famous actress. When asked when she decided that she wanted to be an actor she said “I never had a choice”. That is true of me and writing. Even though it took about fifteen attempts on the correct spelling of narrator…which I still think I got wrong and is often the source of constant frustration at trying to figure out commas, prepositions and definitions, there is nothing more I love than words. Words are the sunlight of my life. They make the people in my life, along with my experiences, ideas, hopes and dreams glow.

Words are just write for me:-) You don’t even want to get me started on puns!

Your girl,


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Billion Dollar Question

Well nothing really exciting happened over the weekend. I went to PA to go to my ex-boyfriend, Eric #2’s wedding. Hung out with my best friends from home, lost my wallet had it returned to me by two lesbians, got to see some of my fabulous sorority sisters during Delta Nu Alumni weekend and visit my Aunt and Uncle’s new house. All in all a pretty relaxing weekend.

So I will tell a little story on why I am here today. I am here and not living in a Palace or a penthouse in London because I ignored a Billionaire's affection 3 years ago.

On quite memorable trip to London, Paris, Dusseldorf, Kohl and Amsterdam I met “the billionaire” who will be referred to as Bill. I was traveling with my other half/power couple/rock star best friend whom we will refer to as “Dean” and our friend Levi. I was visiting a friend from high school who was currently engaged to a Brazilian artist she met in college whose family now lived in London. We got to stay 3 blocks away from Harrods in an area called “Knightsbridge”. When the customs people asked me where I was going to be staying I promptly replied “Three blocks away from Harrods”. For those of you don’t know Harrods is the Saks of London. Then again if you know Saks you most likely will know Harrods. If you don’t know you are probably a straight male and for you sake all you have know is it is a nice store. After an odd inquisitive look toward this New York gal with a Yankee accent…the customs rep said “You know they are having their semi annual sale Miss”. My reply “Oh, yes I am aware”.

One of our first nights Dean and Levi went out on the town and my high school friend Amelia and I went to a bar to meet her friends in Piccadilly Circus the Times Square of London. –As you can gather now New York is my primary form of reference--. We ended up meeting two of her friends. Both were sweet. Both were from the United Arab Emirates. The only reference I have to this small country is from Model UN, which I never participated in…but everyone I have ever known who did Model UN ended up representing the UAE. Anyway it was apparent that on of the gentlemen (and they were gentlemen) was interested in me. I was a little overloaded with men at the time because I had just made out with a very attractive Indian gentleman (he was not a gentleman) and was currently talking to the most gorgeous Australian. He had blonde hair and blue blue eyes. Blue eyes are my weakness. I asked him for a light as he walked by. The Aussie stopped went back to his table, got a light, light my cigarette and told me I looked like I owned the place. He was gorgeous and I enjoyed talking to him…but I returned to my friend and the UAE. I asked Bill what he would like to drink. He gave me an inquisitive look (apparently these were in fashion in London because I got them everywhere). “Scotch” he said. I ordered two glasses of scotch on the rocks and gave him one. I don’t think he had ever had a girl buy him a drink before. We talked danced and really enjoyed each others company. Amelia and her other friend were off somewhere. He was tall, had kind eyes and a sweet smile. I wanted to kiss him but didn’t because I thought it would be somewhat slutty to have kissed three boys from three different continents in one night. Two was acceptable but three was crossing the line. We danced and then he talked about throwing me a party when I returned from Paris. In the cab ride home (yes in on of those very cliché British taxis) Amelia told me she had never seen “Bill” so into a girl. That he had dated quite a few but she saw a spark in his eyes. “He couldn’t stop talking about you”. She said. I was glowing. I had seen it in him too. It has started to rain and the cobble stone streets of London were slick and wet. Then she dropped the bomb. “You know he is a billionaire Lucky”. She said. I stopped in my tracks. “Billionaire” she continued. “He lives in a million dollar flat all by himself and wears track suits to the finest restaurants in London because he is well known”. As soon as the words left her mouth I felt uncomfortable. I liked him but money confuses things…was I liking him more now, now that I knew? And then it hit me like a ton of bricks “Manolo Blahnik”. It rang through my head like cherub angels singing the Hallelujah chorus. I could have any pair of shoes that I wanted. If I married him I could have any pair of shoes for the rest of my life. Most people think houses, jets, boats and while those are nice I only thought shoes. I thought about calling him but something held me back. I liked him but now I didn’t know why. He tried calling me we weren’t able to connect. From time to time I wonder. When I am in a haze of memos, phone calls and cubicles I think, what if? What if I had gone out with him? What if it had turned into something? What if I married billionaire? I guess we'll never know. Now whenever I go on dates I say to myself "You girl are worth a billion" and I smile. Well, because it is true even if I am in Franco Sarto (bought on sale) and not Manolos (for you straight guys they are both shoes, nice shoes).

Your girl,


Friday, April 13, 2007

A Prelude to a Blog

“Amore mi mosse che mi fa parlare”. This is a quote from Dante. Which Translates to “It is love that moves me speak”. If I were alive in Dante’s days he might have had a different take. Dramma mi mosse che mi fa parlare. It is drama that moves me to speak. Experiences, in life,, people, places and things., these are the true loves of my life. I wake up everyday to experience this world with the people I love. OK maybe Dante was right. But in my life an unusually high amount of chaos occurs daily.

In all honesty I think I actually might be the luckiest girl in the world. Actually there is no doubt in my mind. I have the greatest friends in the world. I traveled all over the globe. I meet interesting, compassionate, passionate, and intelligent people, along with the idiots everyday.

I once said that being the best at something was not necessarily good. That there was something in being mediocre…or good at lots of little things in different areas. I think that statement is now crap. But I do think that my varied interests and experiences have proven to create other interesting situations and amazing happenings as a result.

I have one mantra: Have fun. If it is not fun, I’m out. Yes this has resulted in me leaving everything from jobs to friendships but that’s just me.

Basic Facts:

I’m 25
Brown Hair and Deep Brown Eyes
I grew up in New York City, Suburbia, Pennsylvania and Italy.
I currently live in Harlem. New York not Holland
My mother is a musician, my father is a neurotic Mexican and my brother is saving the world.
I do speak a few languages, enough to get smiles in lots of countries, restaurants and trouble from time to time.

(Excuse any spelling or grammar errors in any of these languages. My brain doesn’t love words even though my soul does).
Everything else is circumstantial or you will gather through my daily adventures.
A few things I love: Red wine, Paris, Italy, Shoes, Martinis, and most importantly people.

I hope you enjoy my daily adventures because I most certainly do!

Please note: The names have been changed to protect the innocent as well as the guilty.

There is no doubt in my mind that you will see that I am the luckiest girl in the world by the end of this. I would like to recap just a few things I got to do in the year of 2006, this past year. Think of it as a prelude to a blog.

In no particular order:

Bought my first pair of designer Italian shoes, Prada.

Went to the Opening Gala at the NYC Ballet

Saw my New York Knicks play courtside – And got approached by some shady diamond dealers.

Went to my first movie premiere and sat 5 rows behind the cast,

Slept in Penn Station

Missed approximately 30 trains about 15 buses but a surprising low number of taxis--I sprint for those. (In three in heels, of course)!

Visited Venice, Bologna, Verona, Chicago, Miami, Atlantic City (for Easter), Pottstown, Carlisle and Bethlehem PA, Washington D.C., Camden and Portland Maine.

Changed a flight to watch my team Azzurri win the world cup

Hung out at the US OPEN

Hung out with James Blake (unrelated)

Started reading the Wall Street Journal

Moved into Harlem and got my very first Studio Apt

Went to a Mini Versace show and ended up picking up a somewhat Famous Artist and his Financial Advisor..

Went to a party on the roof of the SOHO House.

Picked up 12 Scotsman in the subway.

Started smoking cigars fairly regularly

Ended up at a fisherman’s pub in some small town In Maine. Oh Damariscotta.

Had an affair to remember.

Having traveled a bit I have used all of the following as forms of transpiration: A yacht, a train, a greyhound bus, a golf cart, a Chinatown bus, the subway,, the metro, town cars, taxi cabs, hummer limo, uhaul, motorino and numerous planes.. Note: none of these require any physical activity on my part—except for running for them.

Have dated one or more of the following:
Hedge fund something or other
27 year olds
40 year olds
Executive – what you don’t want to know
Californian (never again)
Upper West Side Sleazebag – You thought the Executive was bad
A member of a highly successful chicken producing family (yes he looked like a chicken).

I have been confused as:

A A mistress/call girl
B. A girl who likes girls
C. Every ethnicity under the sun

Just when you think life can’t get any crazier it does. I always knew I had a purpose in life. It took me a long time to discover that it was purely for “entertainment value”.


Your girl,
