Thursday, September 6, 2007


When you have a life like this what’s a girl to do??? Simple “Retiremonth”.

When life gets tough Retiremonth
When your out of luck Retiremonth
When you need a nap Retiremonth
And you’ll be on your way
To a bright and beautiful day

So now you might be asking…so what is this Retiremonth??

Well when you leave a job for a crappy job. Your boss tells you you’re stupid. Your coworkers biggest concern is if there is milk for their cereal. And the banshee in the corner is your boss. You quit take a month off and go back to what works. For me that is returning to the new old voice of a very green company that sets the bar pretty high. But not too high… you can still sit at it. The month off, in between, that my friends is what I like to call Retiremonth.

So what did I do for my one month hiatus?

Well. I didn’t carry my phone with me most places. Don’t worry it wasn’t turned off. That would mean the endJ

Went to lobersterfest in Maine.

Went to Musikfest aka Beerfest in Bethlehem PA.

Took a lot of naps.

Went to Carlisle had it shut down on me…there was a black out

Went to DC.

Still didn’t get to see the Lincoln Memorial. I like to keep my men waiting.

Laid out by a pool on a rooftop in D.C.

Laid out by a pool at a friends house in PA.

Had champagne on a rooftop in NYC.

Slept in and on:

5 Beds

4 Pull outs/couches

1 Floor

(none of which were my own)

Though this sounds like a lot. It was relaxing because I was able to spend time with those who mean the most to me, my friends and family. So even though I might not have another retiremonth for another quarter century or so….I feel pretty luck that I got to take advantage of one in between chaos and what I like to call coming home.

Your girl,


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