Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Daze of the Week

Wednesday night. Just a Wednesday. So I got up. Picked a black dress, red and white polka dot shirt, and beige and red shoes. Made breakfast (whole grain English muffin). Went to work. Got coffee. Went back to work. Emailed friends. Got a nice phone call from a friend. Organized the office. Learned some new programs. Filled a prescription at the drug store. Went to the park. Had a sandwich and soda. Came back to work. Suppose to meet a friend for dinner. They cancelled. Decided to go to a movie after work. Saw a French/American film playing in the lower east side. Left the office. Got a butterfinger tasty de-lit. Walked downtown. It was cool, sunny and breezy. Perfect day in the city. Got on the subway. Found my way to the theater. Took off my sunglasses. Sat in the middle of the theater. Watched a movie that made me cry at times. Because my life has been more beautiful than even the carefully calculated stories and images set in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Remembered with whom I spent my last days in Paris. Remembered the smell. Remembered the love. Left the movie. Tossed my hair. Decided between French onion soup at Bathazaar or Tapas at a place called “Oliva” down the street. Chose “Oliva” because I liked the name. My girl Friday called. She was at Balthazaar with her parents. No surprise we think the same. I asked if she had the onion soup. She didn’t. She met me. I could hardly hear her over the sound of the live band. We drank house wine and I ate tapas for dinner. We got on the subway. We went uptown to the launch party of Hampton Magazine's new season. We got to The Pink Elephant. We were on the list, they couldn’t find us, it didn’t matter, it never seems to matter, they smiled and opened the velvet ropes and we walked in. Friday was wearing red. We gave money to an African Water project they were raising money for in the hall. We felt good (due to wine or charity I am not sure). We got black wrist bands with white writing on it. We walked into the crowd of designer dresses worn my 20somethings, trust fund children with no smiles. They always look annoyed or angry. Why not be happy with everything you have? We walked onto the dance floor. I tripped and fell onto a model wannabe. Ooops. I laughed. There was a step down that was hidden, had nothing to do with the wine, I think. I ordered two glasses of Champagne that turned out to be Dom Perignon. It tasted sweet, crisp, easy. We danced some more. Sipped our champagne. Looked around the room. Made fun of models and then went home. “Only us” I thought. Took a little nap on the subway. Woke up on my block. Went to bed. Woke up. Picked out a black shirt, pair of capri’s, and Friday’s tan belt that I stole months ago. Put on my tan and blue heels (a present from a friend) my friend called as I was putting them on. Made breakfast and thought “Not bad for a Wednesday”. I shook my best friend. “Friday time to get up”. "It’s Thursday".

Your girl,


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