Friday, July 13, 2007

I Wonder Wonder

At a dinner party that would make any New Yorker jealous (except for the unfortunate few setting next to us) the fabulous four (The Darlings, My gal Friday and myself) decided that New York deserved 7 wonders. This was decided after none of us really knew what the 7 wonders of the world really were. Then we thought there were also natural wonders. And apparently there is search committee to find the modern wonders of the world since no one seems to remember the old ones. So it is with great pride that I announce the 7 wonders of The Marvelous City of New York.

(drum role please)









There they are. The a list of all A listers of NYC. It took the entire dinner from the first bottles of wine, through the appetizers, and well into the entrée before the list was finalized. There where heated debates, attempted vetos and lots of laughter. The people are definitely my favorite of the 7 wonders of NY and in particular the ones at our table last night.



Tuesday, July 10, 2007

My Meny

List of Men I have dated/gone on a date with/excluding all those not permitted to date by their wives

German Med Student
Italian Investment Banker
Current weatherman then high school junior
Current f-up and then high school drop out
Compulsive Liar
American Italian teacher
Indian Pilot
Sports Photographer
Accountant (was a write off)
Forrest Ranger then Marine
Hedge Fund/Philanthropist

List of Men I have fallen in love with

German Med Student
My Best Friend Dean

Monday, July 9, 2007

Best Weekend Ever

So I really started the weekend on Thursday. My soon to be ex company threw a party. Some of the clients were old pals from my former employer. I invited some of my fabulous girls as back up against the crazies at my office. We all looked gorgeous. After tons of hellos, a few beers, lots of good music and public humiliation from my current boss/fascist dictator I went home. I was the first one in the office the next day and the only one until 11:00am.

Friday. By the end of the day I was able to talk to Mussolini and he informed me that “I was not as smart as he thought I would be but he thought I had potential”. I was almost ready to inform him that I was potentially out of there but I let it slide.

Off to the Soho house to meet one of my old colleagues for a drink/advise/and a little fabulous sun by the pool. She became my new mentor. I informed her of Muss’s depiction of me and our conversation. We came up with a plan, and then I noticed the shoes of the gent next to me. Pink. Hmm I thought. My mentor got up to use the loo and I commented on my neighbor’s footwear.

“Nice Shoes”. I said.
“Thanks, they are Kung Foo shoes”. He said
Now I consider myself somewhat of a shoe guru. But never in my travels amongst Ferrigamo, Choo, Manolo, in an endless world of pumps, sling backs and kitten heels had I ever heard of Kung Foo shoes. I was intrigued.
“What makes them Kung Foo shoes”? I asked.
“They have a flat surface as the sole”. He said with a half grin.
I didn’t really understand. They looked like pink keds attached to a thirtysomething year old man with an eccentric grin.
“These are Kung foo shoes then”. I said confidently.
I pointed to my black wedges.
“They are flat on the bottom you see”?
He grinned.

My mentor returned and introductions were made.

“Fabulous mentor this is Kung Foo Irving”

“Kung Foo Irving this is the most fabulous woman in new york who just agreed to be my mentor”.

Both smiled.

Mentor had to run off. We kissed in the air near our cheeks and she was off. I returned to my Kung Foo friend.

Then there was the call. My twin, on of my best friends from DC was on the phone. She had just arrived in New York and was coming downtown to meet me. Kung Foo Irving had a great idea.

“Why don’t I put your friend on the list”? He suggested.
“Sure”. I replied.

“Twin, Kung Foo Irving..whom you haven’t met yet…my new friend is going to put you on the list. Just tell the cab driver to drop you off at 13th and 9th Ave in front of the Soho house. Tell them you are on the list and come up to the roof”.

This was fabulous. My twin should come to NYC for the weekend and start at the top of one of the coolest clubs in the city.

“I am wearing a tank top, flip flops and jeans is that ok”. She asked.

“You look gorgeous in whatever…..but….if you have heels to change into that would be great, and maybe change your stop”.

“Done”. She said and we hung up the phone.

I thanked my new friend. He was cute.

Not five minutes later my fabulous twin bound up the stairs and across the deck spotted with euros and yuppie new Yorkers.

She looked gorgeous. She was wearing jeans, and black top, and read and tan 1950’s like pair of heels. She looked amazing.

“Twin I would like to introduce you to Irving”.

We all sat around had a beer and then head off to my favorite Italian restaurant. It is one of the only Bolognese restaurants in New York, with home made pasta, great Sangiovese and a wait staff that never changes we were off. Kung foo had been invited but he had a pressing engagement at home. Something about an ex girlfriends dog.

My girl Friday met Twin and I and we had a fantastic meal. Stuffed we took a cab all the way home and crammed into my very full at this point queen bed.

Not a bad way to start the weekend.

Friday had to move to Brooklyn the next day so she went home to pack her belongings.


So Twin and I met up with my somewhat famous artist friend that happened to be doing work at Madame Trousseau’s wax museum in Times Square. He met us for breakfast at a little Brassiere on 53rd that we found out that was open 24 hours a day. He had little French donuts, and red wine. Twin had eggs and a large coffee I had yogurt and granola and one of his donuts along with my big cup of coffee. We walked around town for a little bit, got rid of the artist who had to go do some research at the museum and Twin and I headed downtown to the West Village to hang out with my oh so glamorous, fabulous friend Perry. Perry who is gorgeous, intelligent and lives in the very posh part of town invited us over to lay out on his roof. Unlike the soho house to ascend to the roof deck one had to shimmy up the fire escape. We got our towels, our beer and our glamour and shimmied right up. All of New York was in front of us.
“Let me give my grrlsss the tour”. Perry started.
Twin beamed she already loved him as much as I did.
“There she is the empire state building. She sits right next to Ms. Chrysler building”. Perry often used the feminine instead the simple neutral and boring article “the”.
“And if you look closely”. He continued.
“Look toward those three buildings over dere, the small one on the left”. He stated.
“Dat is where Ms. Nicole Kidman lives”. He smiled.
Twin and I loved it. We ate lunch, laid out and drank really good Belgian beer Perry’s new drink thing. We left the west village drunk, tired, sun kissed and fabulous.
“How else she be”? I ask joo.

We went home and took a nap and woke up late. We got dressed. I dressed Twin in a beautiful black cotton dress that one of my Darling friends designed. We met Friday and Friday’s soon to be ex-room mate with her soon to be fiancé after he broke up with his soon to be ex-wife. Very Very confusing. We went to Martigenti’s a very European fun bar/restaurant in lets call it soho sud. It really is in Little Italy but we will ignore that slight detail since the place was in its own little world anyway.

I realized by the end of dinner that I had left my ATM card in the ATM this AM. Oh no. I had enough cash to pay my bill then I called my bank and put my funds on hold and went to the next bar. Since the soon to be fiancé of Friday’s soon to be ex roomie was from London we took gang to Puck Fair and upscale kind of pub in Soho proper. After a few pints we headed home.

Twin and I woke up, went to my favorite brunch spot in Harlem. I treated my twin and myself to a wonderful brunch. Since the weather had been perfect all weekend we decided to go for a walk in central park. We walked around the conservatory gardens. We joked about the soho house, kung foo shoes, somewhat famous artists and fire escapes.

We were truly lucky. The both of us. I took her to the subway where she made her way back downtown to get a bus and go home.

I had just received a text from Kung Foo Irving.

“Did you and DC have a nice time this weekend?” He asked.
“Best Weekend Ever” was my reply.